Thursday, October 29, 2009

Its Been A While....


Lets start like this, I have nothing on my mind right now. Therefore I won't end up writing something that makes sense. I guess I should be honest, I'm writing because a few people woke me up to the fact that I hadn't written in a while. Yes, it has been a while.

The winter has started setting in,

My eyelids haven't shut for a while,

Don't remember how long it has been.

The beard just keeps growing wild,

Don't remember how long it has been.

Staring at the clock like a child,

Don't remember how long it has been.

Well, when you come to terms with life you never know how long it has been. Its never that quick when you don't like things. Everything seems to go so slow and boring(I just hope my girlfriend doesn't kill me for this). Like the past few months just kept going on like they will never end. No excitement at all, just dull and boring. Stretching like gum or lets say the base of a Domino's Pizza(they suck). I kept wishing for something special or amazing to happen these past few months and to be honest it didn't.

Then again like the father says to Po in Kung Fu Panda, "There is no secret ingredient, in order to make something special you have to believe it is special." Now, I have something to mull over before I hit the sack and hope I have left you with some food for thought.

Good Night.

P.S. Will try to write more often than not.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'am Not A Bad Guy......

I'am sitting here in pain,
All the feelings I show,
Are the ones I feign,
All I feel is really low.

"I'am not a bad guy," is what I say to myself when I question the fact that everything is going wrong. "What did I ever do?" is the next question I ask myself. I bet you do too.

Great people have spoken about "Karma" and I laughed at the "losers" like everyone else did and does. Now, for some reason it makes sense. You could say that I have nothing else to make sense out of and hence I believe in the "Karma" factor but this is what I have to put forth.

Am also in the pool of guilt,
which just reached to the hilt.
Makes me feel like I'am dead,
Except the alcohol that hits my head.

I obviously screwed up somewhere to be putting up with this right now. Maybe the guilt from my past life, if not present; is doing this to me right now. Everything brakes right in front of my eyes but I also have broken quite a few things that make the things I want; to brake. I would love to sit over a drink with God and chat with him about my Balance Sheet of "Good" and "Bad". Reason being, I know what society labels as "Good" and "Bad" but I don't know God's parameters. Putting God aside, I really want to know whether the whole "Karma" idea makes sense to everyone else? Before I sign off, I would want to explain why the alcohol line in the above stanza. The alcohol just makes you feel better and gets you off all the pain and guilt, maybe for a while but it does.

P.S: All the poetry is original, I don't believe in plagiarism unless I have to submit assignments on time ;-)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

And Yes I Cried........

Hey All,
Why the strange title? You will find out if you read further...........
Before you read further please excuse my languge as I'am in a very foul mood.

Today our college took us to a rally to pay homage to those brave officers who laid down their lives while trying to free Bombay(was called that when I was born there, so excuse me Mr. Raj Thackrey and The Monkies Of National Shame) from the terrorists during the 26/11/2008 attacks.

Firstly, Where are we going with all these peace meetings and homage paying rallies? I shall tell you exactly where. Nowhere is where we are going because:

a) The the terrorists couldn't give a fuck as to whether you make a "Human Chain of Peace" or say that "Terrorism Isn't Human"(Was on one of the lame placards I read today). They will continue doing what they do, no matter how many times you "Condemn" their "Inhuman" or "Anti-Social" acts of terror.

b) The homage paying rallies just dig into the already sour wounds of those who were affected by the attacks directly or indirectly. All I could think of, was the pain the family members of the Martyrs were going through while being felicitated.

Why I cried? Firstly, because I felt for the Martyr's family members because of their wounds that were being dug into and mine too.

Secondly, the smoke coming out of the torches burning reminded me of the smoke coming out of the Taj which was a significant sign of "Mumbai Burning" (a tag-line used by all the news channels and papers during the attacks; talk of "Yellow Journalism"). Being born in Bombay and having stayed there for 14 years; these attacks have left me feeling fucking angry, frustrated and helpless. The anger is obviously because Bombay is an integral part of me and after the attacks, I in a way feel "raped". Its because I can't do anything about it is why I'am frustrated and helpless and thats why I cried.

I want to know why can't we fight fire with fire? Why can't we screw them the way they screw us? Why can't we have a revolutionary movement and finish what we should have long back? Where are the Bhagat Singhs and Che Guevaras of the 21st century? All I want is a leader. Maybe thats what you want too.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Welcome To My World....

Hey People,
This is an introduction to my blogspot. I don't have anything to put up right now because I'am working on a piece and that will take some time. Though I will put up stuff that I have written in the past, which a few of you would already have read. Please feel free to comment on the posts even if it is negative, as there is no better way to learn than through critics.